Your Name
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1) I prefer to spend time on billable work, than on business development. YesNo
2) I am more concerned about keeping overhead costs low than on increasing income YesNo
3) Employees cost too much and it is easier and cheaper to just do the work myself YesNo
4) There are ongoing issues with my staff performance, that I avoid handling. YesNo
5) Marketing is costly and I haven't seen the ROI on it YesNo
6) I am constantly behind on work, trying to catch up! YesNo
7) I work too many hours and do not have good life balance YesNo
8) I do not like to train or I do but I just don't have the time for it. YesNo
9) My own bookkeeping is a mess and rarely up to date YesNo
10) We are constantly putting out fires and rarely proactive with clients on their needs. YesNo